Monday, December 13, 2010

This Blog Wins a Blogisattva Award!

Scroll about 2/3s down.

Best Achievement Blogging in Buddhist Practice or Dharma

Thanks to you, my faithful readers!

The Blogisattva Award nicely punctuates the intention i set for my book The Meditative Gardener: Cultivating Mindfulness of Body, Feelings, and Mind. Five years ago, i started writing the manuscript as my Bodhisattva project for the Community Dharma Leader training program at Spirit Rock Meditation Center.

I wanted to offer the Dharma via the metaphor of the garden: roots of suffering, planting seeds of kindness, etc. The Buddha himself often used agricultural similes in his teachings to the farmers/lay people who supported him.

Now my Bodhisattva project has turned into a Blogisattva project :)

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