Wednesday, July 1, 2020

It's a Jungle Out There

How to deal with a mature garden / RHS Gardening
After a 3 week drought, it is now raining every day. Raining, misting, sprinkling, humidity, thundering in the distance while not raining right here--so many varieties of precipitation. The plants love it. Suddenly, it's a jungle out there. 

Plants are in their mid-teen final growth spurt. Remember when they were so small you could hold them in your hand? Now they are as tall as i am or even towering over me. It's too late to transplant those big things, too late to change the course of their July-August-September adulthood. I have to go with what there is. Accept them just as they are.

When the Serenity Prayer says "Accept the things i cannot change," that means other people. I can't change them. The only thing i can change is myself (the courage to change the things i can). You know what those things that need changing are. Start with one. The easiest one.

This week i'm hacking through my inner jungle by simply being mindful of my little triggers--the small bothers, the tiny annoyances, the passing frustrations. Oh, right. This is familiar. So familiar. I know this one

Once i can identify it, i can notice its habitat and its growth patterns. Hmmmm. Very interesting

Pat myself on the back for noticing. That's a bit of self-love, and that, my dear, is what i'm replacing the old trigger with. Planting a little self-love and maybe some patience in the middle of that jungle.

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