Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Peach Fantasy

20 years ago, a gardening friend gave me a little peach tree, which i squeezed into a not very sunny spot at the back of a flower bed.

I was thrilled to see my first peaches, but then the raccoons got to them first.

A few years later, a branch, laden with young fruit, split off. This branch-breaking is common with peach trees. Our nearby peach orchard loses several heavy branches every year.

Now sawed down to one remaining branch, this year that one branch has broken off, heavy with small green peaches.

How many things do we squeeze into our lives, seeking to savor the sweetness of material goods, friends, travel or what have you?

Yet, the fruit doesn't yield as we had hoped. Material goods need to be maintained. Friends lose touch. Travel is stressful.

It's time to cut the peach tree down altogether. It's time to renounce my fantasy of home-grown peaches.

What, in our daily lives, is it time to renounce?

1 comment:

  1. I was struggling with creating a relatively original "About me" description for my new blog. My life seems so full of labels. At the end I started to mention how I'd just like a little peace in my life, but then I realized even when I get it, it is never what I had hoped it would be. Maybe that is something we are here to learn? That everything in this type of life is ultimately unsatisfactory and seeking satisfaction in worldly pursuits is akin to looking for a peach on an apple tree?
