Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Faith in March

I received my first (and only?) Equinox card in the mail. Susan sends Equinox cards instead of Christmas cards. I like the idea. She included a poem by Celia Thaxter:

O March that blusters and March that blows,
what color under your footsteps glows!
Beauty you summon from winter snows,
and you are the pathway that leads to the rose.

The only color under my footsteps at the moment is white. So the beauty that March summons is a matter of faith right now and for the next several days.

When i say "faith," i mean confidence or trust. Do we have the confidence that March will indeed summon beauty? Do we trust that March is the pathway leading to the rose?

Do we have the confidence that our meditation can lead us to moments of calmness?
Do we trust that mindfulness can make a dent in our infernal inner critic?

That's all the faith we need.

Photo from

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