Let Lasagna Gardening begin!
8 yards of bark mulch, delivered last week, have been spread on the flower beds. Right over the top of last year's dead leaves. Maybe i should call this the No-Rake method.
If you're starting a garden from scratch, building the lasagna (cardboard, mulch hay, peat moss, compost, etc.) is a lot of fun. But what about your already established gardens?
For the vegetable garden, i pile on the mulch hay in the fall, along with some wood ashes. If i'm really ambitious, i add a truckload of manure. In the spring, i pile on the compost.
For the flowerbeds, the lasagna started last fall with the cutting down of the brown stems and leaves.
If it's brown,
cut it down.
If it's green,
it's clean.
So i started my "spring clean-up" last fall.
In the spring, the beds are littered with leaves. Leave them in place. They are the first lasagna layer. I used to add a layer of bunny manure, and then a layer of bark mulch. You could add a layer of compost, and then bark mulch. Now i add a special mix of bark mulch that has well-composted manure added to it. Voila! The gardens look great.
Our actions--thoughts, words, and deeds--are constantly being "composted," laying the foundations for our habits (good habits or bad habits). Our habits then harden into character or disposition.
This present moment is a "lasagna garden" of every action we have taken up till now.
Since we don't want weeds--in our garden or our mind--we start by cleaning up our act, cleaning up our actions. Begin with gratitude. Practice kindness--not only random acts of kindness, but a constant stream of kindness. Feel compassion for yourself, first of all. Find forgiveness.
Lay down the old grudges and resentments, and let them compost into the soil that grows a full and open heart.