The song is about a miner, longing for his girlfriend, and since i'm staying in the mining town of Terlingua, Texas, the lyrics seem very appropriate.
Yearning for anything--a girlfriend, distant children, more money--is another word for stress, suffering, and distress. Not that you have do anything about it, except simply notice the longing and how it feels in your body. Notice the wishing, the hoping, the non-acceptance of life as it is, right this minute.
Wind blowing, sun shining. Alone, but not lonely.
Way out west, they got a name
For rain and wind and fire.
The rain is Tess, the fire is Joe and
they call the wind Mariah.
Mariah blows the stars around
And sends the clouds a-flying.
Mariah makes the mountain sounds
Like folks were up there dying.
Mariah, They call the wind Mariah
Now before I knew Mariah's name
And heard her wail and whining,
I had a gal and she had me
and the sun was always shining.
O, but then one day I left my gal.
I left her far behind me.
And now I'm lost, I'm oh so lost
Not even God can find me.
Mariah, O, Mariah,
They call the wind Mariah
I hear they got a name for rain
And wind and fire only
But when you're lost and all alone,
there ain't no words but lonely.
And I'm a lost and lonely man,
without a star to guide me.
Mariah, blow my love to me.
I need my gal beside me.
Mariah, Mariah.
I'm lonely can't you see?
Mariah, O, Mariah
Please blow my love to me
Mariah, blow my love to me
Lyrics and music by Lerner and Loew
from the musical Paint Your Wagon
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