Saturday, May 4, 2019

Black Mulch

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I'm visiting relatives this weekend and staying in a trendy small city. What i see in the suburban landscape here is black mulch. Black? Black mulch? I find it both attractive and repellent.

From a distance, even a short distance, i don't notice the mulch. It looks natural, like dirt--nice, rich soil. Up close, it looks a bit unusual because the fading black mulch has a slight silver sheen--like fading wood, more like old wood pallets. Up close, it looks unnatural.

At first, i thought, Of course. The urban dweller dresses in black and wants their tiny, perfect garden dressed in black too.

Fashions come and go--even fashions in mulch. A few years ago, red mulch was popular. Now black mulch is popular.

No matter the color, mulch is impermanent. It comes. (What color will they think of next?) It goes--it decomposes right into the soil.


  1. We tried black mulch one year -- when it's new, it look like tar pavement -- not exactly the "natural" look one wants in a wooded setting. And, as you said, it turns gray pretty quickly, which then looks a bit "worn."

  2. And the dye seeps into the soil and water.

  3. Great post. thanks for sharing these beautiful posts. Black Mulch will give best lokks to your garden area.
