Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Wateriness of Water

They say a molecule of water doesn't have the quality of wateriness. Not until a sufficient volume of water molecules get together does that slippery-slidiness of water exist. How many molecules? Obviously fewer than a single drop of water poised to drip off an icicle, fewer than a single dewdrop hanging at the tip of a blade of grass.

I recently saw a photo of a dewdrop reflecting all the flowers around it, like a gazing ball. I love walking through the dewy grass on a summer morning, like walking through a field of soft, shimmering diamonds--the whole world prismed into tiny rainbows.

What does a molecule of water "see"? Its neighbors--each individual molecule as an individual. None of the individuals having any sense of their conglomerate wateriness.

Perhaps a water molecule sees its neighbors as individuals and lives it life believing in its individuality, having no sense of being part of a river rushing to the sea.

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