Sunday, June 1, 2014

Columbine Space

Columbines and lupines are blooming in my wood chip paths. I'm not surprised that columbines prefer to grow in the more acidic conditions of wood chips, but it's rather inconvenient. The walking paths are supposed to be for walking, not for flowers. At least, that's my view of the world.

Columbines and lupines have a different view of the world though. Not only are the wood chip conditions perfect for germinating their seeds, there's so much more room to spread out than in the crowded flowerbed.

Sort of reminds me of the person i live with. I like a clear flat surface, such as tabletops, the tops of bureaus, even empty chairs. He finds these clear surfaces perfect for putting down his shirt, his jacket, or his mail. Just like i move the columbines to a different flower bed, i move my sweetie's paraphernalia to his dedicated spot--his place at the kitchen table. His spot is sometimes piled high, and i put his dinner plate and silverware right on top of his piles of newspaper and mail. My place at the table is clear, just the way i like it.

Stress is in the eye of the beholder. I move the columbines and lupines to a different spot and feel much better. My sweetie's "overgrown" spot is within inches of my cleared off space. My space. His space. The columbine's space. Is there really such a thing as "my" space?

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