A year ago, my sweetie had cataract surgery. As he lay in the recovery room, his nurse delivered an African violet--a present from the ophthamologist thanking the patient for choosing him as his surgeon.
Two weeks later, my sweetie had the cataract removed from his other eye, and he came home with another African violet.
The African violets are still alive, much to my amazement. Although my grandmother had many African violets on her kitchen's two windowsills, i did not inherit the knack of keeping them alive.
A couple of years ago, in writing group, i saw a sign posted on the hostess's African violet: Water from the bottom. I took that lesson to heart and have watered these violets, on my kitchen windowsill, from the bottom every 5-7 days, allowing them to dry out completely in between waterings.
What waters us from the bottom? What is the source that keeps us blooming even when we feel all dried up?
Being in touch with Life. Some people might call it Spirit. Allowing the Life that flows through us every day to water our roots whether or not we are blooming.
David's, also from same cataract tradition, is also beautifully blooming right now, after all this time. (I love it that you know how to use lie/lay correctly :-)