I have installed several bluebird houses out near my vegetable garden because it's the most open area i have here in the woods. You're supposed to put 2 houses within 10 feet of each other, so the swallows can have one and the bluebirds the other. Otherwise, the swallows will take over and defend their territory.
I bolt the bluebird house to an 8-foot long PVC pipe, then slide the pipe down over a fencepost, like a sleeve. Usually chickadees take up residence, or sometimes a mouse family.

Yesterday i saw an actual bluebird on one fencepost and 2 swallows on 2 other fenceposts. What a festival of blue birds :) I was thrilled to see the bluebird of happiness. And i was equally thrilled to have a rare sighting (for me) of sleek swallows.
Thrill. Joy. Happiness. Really, any bird can touch the happiness chord in us. Stop. Feel what happiness feels like. Allow it to permeate your body. Soak in happiness for at least 30 seconds--this "soaking" will retrain your brain so that you'll have easier access to happiness.
Somewhere over the rainbow,
Bluebirds fly.
Our hearts can fly over the rainbow too.
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