Still, people hesitate to try something new. My sweetie, Bill encouraged a mother to try one, but she gave it to her 10-year-old son. "Interesting," he said. Then Bill offered another one to the mom. "Mmmm," she said, and he gently placed a little tub of kiwis in her shopping basket. (He's a born salesman, that Bill.)
We hesitate when we encounter a new path. We're afraid of something--distaste, harm, or "wrong-ness."
That's the reason, we venture onto the path of meditation one step at a time. First, we sit down, close our eyes, and watch our breath for a few minutes. Our mind has other ideas. Lots of them. We feel we're doing something wrong. We consult a book, a YouTube, a teacher, and find we are exactly in the right place.

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