Yesterday, i drove my truck to the company that uses a lot of paper; they had stacks of pallets, so i loaded up.
I do have another use for pallets, and that is a winter solstice bonfire. I use the sturdiest pallets to build a compost bin. The rickety ones will go on to the bonfire. It's actually a relief to have 2 projects done at the same time.
Mindfulness relieves our mind by sticking to the present moment. That way we are doing 2 things at the same time: interrupting the busy-ness of life and noticing the present moment. In short order, we will notice a still pool of quiet equanimity.
Then busy-ness gets the upper hand again, and we feel stress.
Throw the past into the compost pile. It's gone.
Reel your mind in from the future. The future is just an idea.
Come back, to this one thing: the present moment.
Chery, do you put kitchen/vegetable waste in your compost pile during the winter months? We don't really freeze often here in the south, but my it almost seems as if am preserving my vegetable scraps when I turn it.